Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Favorite Car

I think, when you narrow it down, my favorite car is the 2007 Ford Fusion. I like the grille and the tail lights the most. It just seems cool to me.


iotsker said...

I think the Lotos or BMW Sports car covertabel Z3 is the best looking cars personally. I like how many different heights the Lotos's hood has. And the markings on the side of the Z3 make it look way too cool.

Ryan McGrane said...

I have to agree with you, Eliot. BMWs are pretty nice.

Connor said...

Yeah, I like BMW's. The problem is, they don't make the Z3 anymore. It used to be my favorite car, too. The Lotus Elise is cool, too. It only weighs 1950 pounds. My favorite car is the Audi R8, though. It owns!

Connor said...

Actually, speaking of BMW's, I really like the new (all, actually)5- and 7-series sedans. They get nice power, they're high quality, and I really like the exterior styling.

Ryan McGrane said...

I like the Audi R8 too. It is also(almost exactly) like the Le Mans Quattro. The R8 does own.

Connor said...

Did you know that, on the R8, you get to choose what color those side panels are, but you have to pay extra to make them the same color as the rest of your car?

Dr. Jaz said...

Have any of you seen the Nissan Urge? It's pretty cool

Connor said...

I saw it on your (Jasper's) blog -- it looke sweet.